How Good Can It Get?
Kristi Brown, restaurant owner and chef
Bad habits, toxic relationships, soul-sucking jobs — our inner voices tell us the truth, but are we listening? A moment of nakedness in the vastness of the ocean helped restaurant owner Kristi Brown slow down enough to hear what her inner voice was telling her.
On this episode of Truth Be Told, we explore how listening to ourselves can lead us to joy and our ultimate purpose.
As promised, here is the recipe for Kristi Brown’s roasted corn and salmon chowder:
Place corn on a sheet pan, and season with Cajun Seasonings, Olive oil and Johnny’s Seasoning Salt. Lightly roast corn in 350 degree oven for 7-10 mins (do not overcook or it will be chewy)
Place salmon & yams on seperate sheet pans. Season both with Montreal Steak Seasonings and a bit of the Cajun Seasonings and Olive oil. Roast Yams in 375 degree oven until tender. Roast Salmon in 350 degree oven to medium rare.
In a stock pot on medium-high, add oil, celery and onions. Cook them half way down, until almost translucent. Add the flour next, starting the process for making a roux ( a result of when the flour cooks with fat), make certain to cook it until flour is smooth. Next add the stock, seasoning, salmon,yams and the corn. Allow chowder to simmer on medium low for 15-20 mins. Finally, add oat milk and let simmer for another 15 minutes. Parsley to garnish soup.
Kristi Brown, Chef, Co-Owner Communion Restaurant & Bar
IG: thatbrowngirlcooks
IG: communionseattle
Twitter: deartruthbetold
Instagram: deartbt
TikTok: tonyatbt